SONGWRITER DEFINITION : The definition of any songwriter is the person who has either composed the melody of the song and / or written the lyrics of the song (or contributed in a major part to these aspects).
IMPORTANT NOTE : Be sure to list just the songwriter/s in a BAND / ACT and not simply the Band / Act line-up.
PRO CAE / IPI No : It is obligatory for all songwriters / composers to be a member of their regional Performing Rights Organisation (PRO) or a recognised International PRO.
PPL ID No : Please enter the writer's PPL membership number (If Applicable).
PERCENTAGE (%) SPLITS : It will be assumed that all compositional splits are on an even basis unless notified to the contrary. Composer/s share will be 50% and Publisher / Sub-Publisher's share will be 50% of the total.
In the UK through PRS For Music this is expressed as:-
Songwriter/s (PRO CAE : #########) : 50%
SUB-PUBLISHER (PRO CAE : #########) : 30%
MAORI MUSIC (PRS CAE : 159804347) : 20%
Abroad, through a Regional PRO, this may be expressed as:-
Songwriter/s (PRO CAE : #########) : 100%
SUB-PUBLISHER (PRO CAE : #########) : 60%
MAORI MUSIC (PRS CAE : 159804347) : 40%
You are responsible for making accurate registrations with your own Regional PRO.